Byron Bay – Incredible dream catchers- 28 November 2023

Tuesday was a day full of creativity for the students at Lexis Byron Bay as they participated in our activity, Dream Catcher Making!


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An assortment of threads, twine, beads, feathers, and shells awaited them, providing ample choices for personalised Dream Catchers.

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The first task involved concealing their key ring with twine, wool thread, or cotton thread, ensuring that the underlying metal was completely obscured.

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Next, thread was artfully looped around the hoop, gradually forming the intricate web. Although it posed a challenge initially, with practice, the process became significantly easier.

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Finally, the students adorned their dream catchers with ornamental beads and feathers, adding a final personal touch to their masterpieces. The results were beautiful!


Folklore and culture


Dream catchers are deeply rooted in Native American folklore and culture. According to legend, dream catchers originated with the Ojibwe (Chippewa) people, who believed that the night air was filled with both good and bad dreams. The purpose of a dream catcher was to capture the bad dreams and allow only the good dreams to pass through.


Dream catchers were traditionally hung above the bed or near a sleeping area to safeguard against nightmares and promote peaceful, undisturbed sleep. They were also seen as spiritual tools, helping to connect individuals with their dreams, visions, and the spiritual realm.


Not studying with us yet, but would like to?


Lexis Byron Bay delivers academic excellence in arguably Australia’s most desirable study location where you can combine your studies with the great outdoors. Studying at Lexis is more than an experience, it’s a lifestyle! Lexis Byron Bay offers an unrivalled afterschool activity calendar that includes surf lessons, cooking classes, artistic activities, afternoon escapes to surrounding hotspots and full-day weekend adventures. If you want more information on the courses that we offer, click here.


Learn English in Byron Bay. Lexis English students study General EnglishIELTSFCECAE, and English plus Surfing in a friendly and professional school right in the heart of Byron Bay and only 15 minutes from the beach.

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