Noosa – Celebrating our Wonderful Graduates – 5th May

It’s Friday which means graduation day here at Lexis and today we said goodbye to 8 of our wonderful students!

This afternoon, we got the whole campus together to celebrate our graduating students. Each teacher made a speech for their finishing students and one-by-one, we all listened to their achievements here at Lexis Noosa, how they’ve progressed, their unique personalities in class and what they’re up to next in their lives. It’s a special afternoon to honour our students that are leaving and celebrate their last day with us at Lexis Noosa! 

We congratulated the below students:

  • Alexandre from France – He’s been with us for 12 weeks and graduated from Intermediate class.
  • Ayumi from Japan – She’s been with us for 12 weeks also and graduated from Pre-Intermediate class.
  • Blanca from Spain – She’s been with us for 20 weeks in total and graduated from Upper Intermediate class.
  • Carlos from Spain – He’s been with us for a total of 12 weeks and graduated from Pre-Intermediate class.
  • Carolina from Chile – She’s been with us for 12 weeks also and graduated from Pre-Intermediate class.
  • Michele from Switzerland – She’s been with us for a short 3 weeks and graduated from Upper Intermediate class.
  • Misaki from Japan – She’s been with us for a short 4 weeks and graduated from Intermediate class.
  • Sae from Japan – She’s been with us for 17 weeks and graduated from Upper Intermediate class.
Alexandre And Misaki
Alexandre and Misaki with their teacher Kelly.

Alexandre: Alexandre, or otherwise known by his teacher as ‘Mr. Cool’ is going to be greatly missed by his fellow students at Lexis Noosa! Seeing him ride into school on his electric scooter and wearing his groovy, gold sunglasses everyday puts a smile on all our faces. His teacher says she will not miss him rocking up late every single day but will definitely miss his kind personality in class. Alexandre is hanging around Noosa and just got a job as a chef in Noosa’s newest pub: Four Pines Brewing Co.

Misaki: Misaki is also hanging around Noosa for a while and then flying to visit Cairns before heading back to Japan.

Carlos Ayumi And Carolina
Carlos, Ayumi and Carolina with their teacher Ismail.

Carlos: Carlos works as a personal trainer and is also known in class as the ‘security’ guard. He kept everyone in line, however his teacher Ismail, jokingly said no one was then there to keep him in line. Carlos is now off to explore Cairns and then he is flying back home to Spain to attend his sisters wedding. After the wedding, he’ll come back to Noosa to continue working and exploring the beautiful Sunshine Coast.

Ayumi: Ayumi will also be dearly missed by many! Ismail said she’s an amazing student, however, always forgets one thing.. her name! Her class mates love her for it though and will miss having her in class. Ayumi is in Noosa for a few more months before she flies back home to Japan to continue working as a hairdresser.

Carolina: Carolina will be hanging around Noosa until September before returning home to Chile to see her family and friends. She’s got such a beautiful soul and will definitely be missed.

Michele and her teacher Kelly.

Michele: Michele is actually on a much bigger journey and is travelling around Australia and the world. She had a few weeks spare, therefore decided to enroll for 3 weeks to polish up her English. After Noosa, she will be going to explore Cairns and then flying to Sydney where she will meet up with her sister. They are then hiring a campervan together and driving up the whole East Coast back to Cairns camping along the way. The girls will have an amazing time and see the most stunning places.

We thank all of these graduating students for choosing Lexis Noosa and are honored to be a part of the English learning journey! We hope they’ll always remember their time here and we wish them all the best for their future!

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