Looking for Work?…..This Week’s Jobs

Yet more cafe and cleaning work available this week.  Several students have obtained positions with restaurants this week, for example Mi Sook and Fiona….congratulations!

Part-Time Sales Person For Bromeliad Nursery, must be well presented and enthusiastic, female preferred. Phone 0414510345 or 66801887.

Barista , experienced, for cafe in New Brighton. Phone 66803368.Barista

Barista talented and passionate, required for casual shifts over 7 day roster. Excellent working conditions. Please drop resume into “ATE” in Bangalow.

Exp Casual Cleaners wanted for Byron Bay apartments. Must be able to work weekends. TFN or ABN required. Send resume to PO Box 1020 Byron Bay, 2481 or fax 66809477.

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