Byron Bay – Graduation – 22 July 2022


Today we say goodbye to four of our students: Natsuki, Marta, Dhully & Marcos


Marcos: He was a wonderful student and brought so many interesting discussions into the classroom. He was always keen to learn and improve and had a fantastic sense of humor. Marcos spent his 3 months in Australia and is now going back home to Spain. He will then have a little holiday and start working in his old job again.

Graduation Marta Marco 1 Scaled

Marta: She was a great student and brought an amazing energy into the classroom. Everybody is sad to see her leave. Marta is travelling north to the Whitsundays to do a sailing tour. After her holiday she will fly to Sydney and study to become a personal trainer. We wish her all the best.


Natsuki: She was studying with Lexis for 8 weeks and in this time her English has improved in all skills, especially grammar and speaking. She is now moving into the Yoga Centre in Byron Bay and wants to stay there for the rest of her visa and practice Yoga.

Graduation Natsuki

Dhully:  We absolutely loved having you and appreciated your positive attitude. You were motivated to learn and improve your English and always motivated your classmates as well. She improved a lot during her time at Lexis, especially her pronunciation, speaking and writing.

Dhully Graduation 1 Scaled



We will miss them and wish them all the best!



Learn English in Byron Bay. Lexis English students study General EnglishIELTSFCECAE, and English plus Surfing in a friendly and professional school right in the heart of Byron Bay and only 15 minutes from the beach.

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