Lexis Brisbane – Graduating Students – 17.04.23

Our Lexis Brisbane Graduates!

Last week at Lexis Brisbane, we farewelled 16 brilliant English students as they graduated from their classes. From Upper-Intermediate, we said goodbye to Ana, Vitoon, Miyuki, Mustafa Berk, Cassie, and Lorena. Our Intermediate class graduates were Camila Roxana, Victoria Andrea, Murat, and Prachaya. Myriam Viviana, Akane, Sahib, and Jirapon graduated from their IELTS classes. Last but certainly not least, Kaito graduated from the Elementary level, and Gigliola Lizeth from the Pre-Intermediate level.

We are incredibly proud of these Lexis legends and we wish them the best of luck in their future endeavours!

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