We normally post jobs on a Friday afternoon, but there are lots around at the moment and it might be a good time to do a little mid-week job hunting….
Food and Beverage Attendants, Bar Attendants, Kitchen Hands – Lots of jobs available at the BoatHouse restaurant in Noosaville. They are re-opening in early September. Send resume and covering letter to [email protected] before Friday, August 15th. Alternatively, you can hand your resume in person to the Boathouse between 10am and 3pm on Friday, August 15th. http://www.boathouserestaurant.com.au/
Waitstaff and Kitchen Hands – Noosa location, phone 0439 542 660.
Sales Staff – Women’s fashion at Eumundi Markets every Wednesday morning. 0417 625 821
Kitchen Hands – Muse Restuarant on Hastings St. Call David on 5447 2433. www.muserestaurant.com.au/