Sunshine Coast – Spooktacular Spirited Halloween Party – 31 October

What could be more spooktacular than an afternoon filled with laughter, creativity and some sweet Halloween treats?

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The History of Halloween

Samhain (pronounced ‘”sow-in”) is an ancient Celtic festival with deep-rooted traditions that have influenced many of the modern customs associated with Halloween. Celebrating from the evening of October 31st to November 1st, Samhain marked the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter in Celtic lands, including Ireland, Scotland and Wales. This festival was rich in folklore, superstitions, and customs, making it a fascinating precursor to our modern Halloween celebrations.

Samhain was considered a liminal time, a period when the boundary between the physical and spiritual worlds became thin. It was believed that the spirits of the deceased and other supernatural entities could more easily cross into the realm of the living during this time. This belief is a foundation for the Halloween tradition of dressing in costumes to disguise from malevolent spirits.

One of the most iconic aspects of Samhain was the lighting of large bonfires. These fires were not only a means to ward off evil spirits but also to celebrate the harvest’s end and prepare for the colder months ahead. Communities would gather around these fires to engage in rituals, feasting, and divination practices. Offerings of food and drink were often left out for the wandering spirits.

Our Spooktacular Halloween Party

We dove into the classic Halloween game of bobbing for apples, making a wish before trying to grab our apples! The students quickly realised that this fun game is much harder than it looks! And of course, had a good laugh in the process!

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We said ”Hallow” to our inner artists and created some spooky (and cute!) Halloween biscuit designs, decorating them with eerie frosting and ghoulish eyes!

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We gathered round to carve sinister grins into the unsuspecting capsicums!

But first, check out this spooktacular Halloween shirt!

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Student Halloween Fun

Our spooktacular Halloween party afternoon went down a treat, and we can’t wait for next year!


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