Noosa – Stand-Up Paddleboarding and Kayaking Fun – 1st December

Students Embark on Aquatic Adventures: Stand-Up Paddleboarding and Kayaking Fun at Lexis Noosa!

At Lexis English Noosa, learning English goes beyond the classroom walls. Every Friday afternoon, students eagerly anticipate the unique and exciting activities that bring language skills to life in a vibrant, engaging way. Recently, the students decided to make a splash – quite literally – by opting for an aquatic adventure, embracing the crystal-clear waters of Noosa through stand-up paddleboarding and kayaking.

A Group Of Lexis Students About To Embark On Their Stand-Up Paddle Adventure.Friday afternoons at Lexis Noosa are dedicated to fostering a sense of community among students and creating memories that last a lifetime. The weekly activities are carefully chosen, to offer a diverse range of experiences, and this time, to embrace summertime, the students had an afternoon on the water.

Although it was another gloomy day here in Noosa, students still embraced the thrill of stand-up paddleboarding. Gliding across the calm waters of the Noosa River, they not only improved their balance and coordination but also had a front-row seat to the breathtaking scenery. Laughter echoed as friends paddled alongside each other, discovering the joy of mastering a new skill while soaking in the beauty of the surroundings.

For those craving a more intimate connection with the water, kayaking was another activity option. The gentle sound of the water against the kayaks provided a soothing soundtrack as students explored the intricate network of waterways. Lexis English students navigated the winding paths, forging connections and forging memories against coastal landscapes.

Beyond the thrill of the water activities, the Lexis English students found themselves immersed in an unintentional language exchange. Whether coordinating paddle strokes, sharing stories of their paddleboarding triumphs, or simply encouraging each other, the aquatic adventure became a melting pot of languages, creating a unique linguistic environment where practical communication skills flourished.

Boardwalk Boat Hire Stand-Up Paddle. Sup3

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the students returned to shore with a newfound appreciation for language, culture, and the stunning natural wonders that Noosa offers. The stand-up paddleboarding and kayaking adventure became more than just a Friday afternoon activity; it was a testament to the power of experiential learning, cultural exchange, and the tight-knit community that defines the Lexis English experience.

Below are some very helpful tips on how to perfect your SUPing technique:
  1. Start in calm water: Preferably with minimal boat traffic or waves. This will make it easier for you to find your balance and gain confidence.
  2. Begin on your knees: Start by kneeling on the paddleboard, positioning yourself near the center of the board. This will provide stability and help you get accustomed to the feeling of being on the water.
  3. Grip the paddle correctly: Hold the paddle with one hand on the top of the grip and the other hand on the shaft. Ensure that the blade is facing away from you.
  4. Paddle in a kneeling position: Once you are in a kneeling position, use the paddle to start paddling on either side of the board. Take short strokes, keeping your arms straight and using your core muscles to generate power.
  5. Transition to standing: When you feel comfortable and balanced on your knees, you can gradually transition to a standing position. Place your hands on the board, shoulder-width apart, and step one foot up at a time, placing them where your knees were positioned.
  6. Find your balance: As you stand up, keep your feet parallel and hip-width apart, with your toes facing forward. Distribute your weight evenly on both feet, engaging your core muscles for stability.
  7. Maintain a relaxed posture: Keep your knees slightly bent, and maintain a relaxed stance. Avoid locking your knees or hunching over, as this can affect your balance and stability.
  8. Start paddling: With your standing position established, you can begin paddling. Dip the paddle blade into the water in front of you and pull it backward, using your core and back muscles. The paddle stroke should start at the front of the board and end near your feet.
  9. Alternate paddle sides: To maintain a straight course, alternate your paddle strokes on both sides of the board. This will help you move forward efficiently and maintain balance.
  10. Look ahead: Keep your gaze focused on the horizon or where you want to go, rather than staring down at your feet or the paddle. Looking ahead will help you maintain stability and balance.
  11. Practice and adjust: Paddleboarding requires practice to improve your skills. Take your time to get comfortable on the board, adjust your technique, and gradually challenge yourself with longer paddles or different water conditions.

All of the students did great and made it look effortless! They all supported each other and stuck together, paddling through the beautiful Noosa canals until the sun started to set.

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SUP’ing and kayaking offers numerous benefits that contribute to their popularity and why they’re considered a good activity. Here are some listed below:
  • Full body workout.
  • Low impact activity
  • Core strength and stability
  • Cardiovascular fitness
  • Stress relief and relaxation
  • Connection with nature
  • Versatility and accessibility
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