Byron Bay – Graduating Students! February 28th

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Adriana from Switzerland is graduating from Mel and Elizabeth’s Intermediate class. Your Engliah has improved in all areas since you started at Lexis and you are graduating with a grade ‘A’ – congratulations! You also participated well during all class activities. We wish you well.

Jerome from Switzerland is graduating from Mel and Elizabeth’s Intermediate class. We have enjoyed having you in class and happy to see you improve so much. Your grammar is very good and your writing shows this well. Whatever you do now, we wish you all the best!

Melissa from Switzerland is graduating from Mel and Elizabeth’s Intermediate class. You’ve worked hard in class and all your efforts have paid off. you are graduating with a grade ‘A’ -congratulations! You should be very proud of your last result of 100% – amazing! We hope you continue to practice your English.

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Aurea from Spain is graduating from Claudia’s IELTS class. You improved your English a lot since you first started at Lexis. You work hard to achieve your goals and this is reflected in your level of English. We wish you all the best for your future.

Alba from Spain is graduating from Claudia’s IELTS class. You have improved your English since you first started at Lexis. You should be proud of all your efforts. We hope you continue to use your English and we wish you all the best for your future.

Zenon from Spain is graduating from Claudia’s IELTS class. You are such a great student to have in class and you contributed well in all class discussions. Your English has improved significantly since your first started here and you should be proud of all your efforts. Good luck and all the best.

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Hernan from Chile is graduating from Adrienne’s Intermediate class. Your English has improved in all areas since you started here at Lexis and you are graduating with a grade ‘A’ – Congratulations! You also participated well during all class activities. We wish you all the best and will miss your cheerful smile.

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Ai from Japan is graduating from Paul’s Intermediate class. You are such a hardworking student and have a lovely positive attitude. Your English has improved a lot especially your speaking ability. We wish you all the best and hope that you continue to practice English.

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Yves from Switzerland is graduating from Pru’s Pre-Intermediate class. You were such a great student and a pleasure to teach. Good luck on your exciting adventures ahead and we wish you all the best!

Learn English in Byron Bay. Lexis English students study General English, IELTS, FCE, CAE, and English plus Surfing and Yoga in a friendly and professional school right in the heart of Byron Bay and only 15 minutes from the beach.

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