Noosa – Exhilarating and Fun Learn-To-Surf Lesson – 19th January

Earlier this afternoon, 28 students tried Noosa’s most iconic sport, surfing!!

In Noosa, surfing isn’t just a historic sport here, it’s our lifestyle.

Learning To Surf

Mastering the art of surfing in Noosa offers an exhilarating and unforgettable experience for those with a love for the ocean and adventure. With its stunning beaches, warm clear waters, and consistently gentle waves, Noosa stands out as an ideal location to acquire surfing skills. It has become an integral part of life for many Noosa residents, evident in the numerous surf-centric establishments such as shops, cafes, and bars, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie that serves as motivation for continuous improvement. This shared spirit drove our students to dive into the surfing experience.

Merricks Learn to Surf School conducts two-hour lessons catering to individuals of all ages and skill levels. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced surfer, you’re guaranteed a well-structured class led by the two-time Australian and World Pro-Am Champion, Merrick, and his elite team of coaches. Using cutting-edge technology, quality surfboards, and effective teaching techniques ensures that you acquire the necessary skills, drills, and style to confidently stand up on your board from the very first lesson.

Twenty-eight (28) students enthusiastically joined Merricks Learn to Surf class on that memorable Friday afternoon, creating an unforgettable experience for each of them.

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Merrick took the students through the essentials of paddling, standing up, and riding a wave.

Paddling is a fundamental skill, serving as the primary means to reach and navigate the waves. Merrick began by instructing the students to lie on the board and use their arms for paddling.

Standing up marks the most thrilling yet challenging aspect of surfing. Merrick guided the students through the process of transitioning from lying on their stomachs to standing on their feet, providing insights into foot positioning and weight shifting for maintaining balance.

Once the basics were mastered, the students entered the water, catching waves under the watchful guidance of the instructors. Safety considerations, including identifying rips and currents, recognizing hazards like rocks, avoiding collisions, and staying safe in the surf zone, were comprehensively covered.

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All of the students showcased remarkable talent, with many successfully standing up on their very first wave, displaying impressive balance that allowed them to ride the waves all the way to the beach.

Below is the Surfing Code of Conduct in Australia:


Right of Way
The surfer closest to the highest point of the wave (the peak) has the right of way on the wave. This means that if you are catching a wave on the right-hand side of its peak and a surfer to the left of you intends to catch the same wave, this surfer has priority and you must get out of their way.

Don’t Drop In
To drop in on a surfer means to disrupt their path on the wave, by taking off on the same wave in front of them. Dropping in on someone is extremely annoying and not to mention dangerous.

Don’t Snake
To snake someone on a wave means a surfer paddles around another surfer in order position himself to get the right of way for a wave. Whilst this does not put anyone in any immediate danger, it is incredibly frustrating. When surfing there is something called a line-up. This is basically a line for catching waves, and snaking someone means you cut in, something that is not accepted by surfers, and will cost you a great deal of respect.

Do Not Throw Your Board
Ditching your board before diving under a wave can be very dangerous, especially if it is crowded. Try to maintain control of and in contact with your board at all times, surfboards are large and heavy and ditching it before you dive under a big wave will eventually lead to someone getting hit in the head. This rule is especially difficult for beginners but building these habits early on will make it much easier in the future.

Communicate What Will You Do
A quick yell, “yep!” or “I’m going left/right!” will allow for other surfers to have sufficient time to get out of your way or decide if they want to catch the wave in the opposite direction. It is important that your communication remains positive so that you do not lose the respect of other surfers in the water.

Give Respect to Gain Respect
Respect is large in the surfing community, and you have to earn it. By following some simple surf etiquette, you will earn the respect of surfers in the line-up and this will make both your surf and their surf safer and more enjoyable.

Learning to surf is really fun and brings a lot of joy. You can see the girls having a great time with big smiles and lots of laughter in the water. It’s not just about learning the skill; it’s like going on an exciting adventure where they enjoy being together. The happy faces show that it’s not just about riding waves but also about having a really good time in the lively ocean – a clear sign of how much fun surfing can be!

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