Graduation!! 3 February

Congratulations to our  fifteen students graduating from Lexis Byron Bay this week!


Yurina is from Japan and graduates from Kristy’s Pre-Intermediate class. Her grammar, speaking and writing have all improved a great deal in the 3 months she has been  with us here at Lexis. She has been a great student and we wish her all the best for the future!

Reto is from Switzerland and graduates from Kristy’s Pre-Intermediate class. He has been a great student and learnt very quickly thanks to his studying and use of language outside of the classroom. Enjoy using your new language and all the best for the future!

Rosa is from Spain and graduates from Kristy’s Pre-Intermediate class.She has been an excellent student; she studies hard, asks great questions and learns quickly! She is always great to have a conversation with and has been very friendly and helpful to others in the class. We wish you all the best for the future!


Lucile is from Belgium and graduates from Elyse’s Upper Intermediate class.  Her English has improved a lot  in her 16 weeks with us and her work has been great! She participated well in discussions and was a pleasure to have in the class. Have an amazing time on your travels around Australia and Asia, you will be missed!

Alenjandra is from Spain and graduates from Elyse’s Upper Intermediate class. She’s worked really hard in her 12 weeks with Lexis and her English has greatly improved. Her writing is now of a high standard and her grammar very good. We hope you enjoy your travels!


Fabian is from Switzerland and graduates  from Mel and Julia’s Intermediate class. He has worked very hard in his 3 weeks at Lexis and graduates with an A!  He’s participated well in  activities and has been a pleasure to have in class. We wish you all the best for the future!

Tim is from Switzerland and graduates from  Mel and Julia’s Intermediate class. His speaking ability has improved greatly in his 4 weeks with Lexis and he graduates with an A. He participated well with his classmates and was a pleasure to teach. We wish you the best fro your travels!

Silvan is from Switzerland and graduates from  Mel and Julia’s Intermediate class. He moved up from the Elementary  class to Intermediate in just eight weeks! He has been a pleasure to teach at Lexis and we wish him all the best for the future!


Ana is from Brazil and graduates from Ellie and Anji’s IELTs class. She participated well in activies and made interesting contributions to class discussions. It was a pleasure to have you here at Lexis and we wish you the best for the future!

Estefania is from Spain and graduates from Ellie and Anji’s IELTs class. She has worked really hard in her 12 weeks at Lexis and her English has improved a lot as a result. She was great to have in class and we wish her all the best for the future!

Ana Luiza is from Brazil graduates from Ellie and Anji’s IELTs class. Her command of English is excellent across all skills she has shown herself to be competent. She made valuable contributions to the lessons and was lovely to have in class. Best wishes for the future!


Gabriela is from Switzerland and graduates from Kathleen’s Intensive Intermediate class. In just 3 weeks at Lexis she managed to complete half of the Intermediate level course, which she should be very proud of! We have all enjoyed her sunny disposition and lovely smile. You will be missed!


Michelle is from  Switzerland and graduates Iruka and Kiri’s Intermediate class. In her 12 weeks at Lexis she has managed to complete the Pre-Intermediate and half of the Intermediate course; she should be very proud of this achievement. She has an exceptional ability to learn apply new vocabulary and grammar very quickly. Best wishes for the future!


Kotone is from Japan and graduates from Georgie and Becky’s Elementary class. She was sadly just here with us for 1 week, but has been great at practicing her English in and out of the classroom. We are really happy to hear how much she enjoyed her time here at Lexis Byron Bay and wish her all the best for the future!


Ivo is from Switzerland and graduates from Michelle’s Pre-Intermediate class. It has been a pleasure to have him here at Lexis, he has always been very friendly to those around him and great to have in class. He has improved in all areas of his English and this will certainly help him with his travels; we hope you have an amazing time!

Learn English in Byron Bay. Lexis English students study General English, IELTS, FCE, CAE and English plus Surfing and Yoga in a friendly and professional school right in the heart of Byron Bay and only 15 minutes from the beach.
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