Byron Bay – Graduation – 05 August 2022


Today we say farewell to Mai, Ibuki & Misaki and celebrate their graduation




Mai has been a great student. She is a helpful and considerate student who always thinks about other people. Her knowledge of grammar is excellent and she always participated well during speaking activities and were good at keeping the conversation going. We hope, that she can teach English to her kindergarten children back in Japan. Mai is staying another 3 weeks in Byron Bay and will then travel to Adelaide. She has another 9 months left on her working visa to spend in Australia and we wish her all the best!

Graduation - Mai
Congratulations Mai


She was such a fun and lively student, yet very hard-working and respectful at the same time. She is going to be missed at Lexis. Ibuki has improved all her skills since she has started. To get even better, we suggest you keep practicing your speaking and listening by surrounding yourself with international people. Ibuki will stay in Byron Bay. She works in a Japanese restaurant and loves her live here. We wish her all the best for her future!


Graduation - Ibuki
Teacher Serena & Student Ibuki


She is an engaging student who always tries hard and is not afraid to take risks. Well done on her studies here, she has improved a lot over time. She has the potential to become an excellent speaker of English if she continue to study and we wish her all the best for the future! Misaki is moving to Brisbane and will start working in a sushi restaurant for a while, before she wants to see more of Australia.


Graduation - Misaki
Teacher Elizabeth & Student Misaki

Learn English in Byron Bay. Lexis English students study General English, IELTS, FCE, CAE, and English plus Surfing in a friendly and professional school right in the heart of Byron Bay and only 15 minutes from the beach.

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