Shopping Therapy is Universal

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Last month, I had the pleasure of joining Diana and Alex on their shopping adventures. The first outing was to the Sunshine Plaza and then to Mooloolaba where we eventually had lunch ay an Italian Bistro. We had such a lot of fun together that we decided to plan another shopping trip to Chermside two weeks later, which was even more enjoyable. We had another memorable day, trying outfits on, deciding what to buy and generally being girls and a little silly. Diana even had her make up done. By the end of the day, one of us did some major damage to our credit cards. (Take a look at the photos and try to guess, it isn’t difficult.)


The girls really impressed me with their effort to speak English all day I think that they were pleasantly surprised also. Diana was able to order lunch for us all on her own and Alex was delighted when she realised how much she understood when she spoke to the various sales staff at the stores we visited.

I was proud of both of them because their English has improved immensely. Well done and one last thing girls, thank you for lunch!!!


Patty Thomas.

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