Noosa – Kudos to These Amazing Graduates – 27th October

Sadly, it’s time to say goodbye to our amazing students, Sabine, Beatrice, Ewelina, Natika, Zoe, Max, Montira and Aleksandra!

Education is a journey that often leads to transformation, personal growth, and the achievement of lifelong dreams. For 8 Lexis Noosa students this week, this journey has recently reached a significant milestone as they proudly celebrate the successful completion of their courses. These students have not only gained valuable knowledge but have also created lasting memories and amazing friendships during their time at Lexis Noosa.

Graduation day is not just about receiving a certificate; it’s about celebrating the amazing memories created during the educational journey. Lexis Noosa students often form deep bonds with their classmates and teachers, making lifelong friends from around the world. These friendships extend beyond the classroom, enriching the overall experience and creating an amazing network that can span the globe.

Let’s give a huge round of applause to these eight (8) students:


Sabinee SabineSabine studied with us for a total of 8 weeks and graduated from Intermediate class. 8 weeks was too short with Sabine, as she touched the hearts of many students and teachers throughout her time at Lexis Noosa. Sabine is such a down-to-earth woman who deserves the best in life. Sabine is now off to live in Townsville in Far North Queensland, to work at an animal shelter for 2 months. Then, she’ll spend her first Christmas in Australia with her boyfriend. All the best Sabine, we will miss you!

Max MaxxMax has been a part of our Lexis family for 12 weeks now and worked his way up to graduate from Upper-Intermediate class. He’s been such a lovely student and it’s been an honour to have Max study with us. His adventurous soul is now off to travel Australia, starting at Fraser Island, then to the Red Centre then over to Western Australia. Once Max returns to Switzerland, he will continue working as a chef of the mountains, whilst enjoying every spare moment he has skiing on the slopes. We’ll miss your humor at Lexis Noosa Max!

Montira And AleksandraAleksandra studied with us for a short 3 weeks and graduated from Advanced class. She also is off to explore Australia and live her dream. Best of luck in the future Aleksandra!

Montira (Gik) studied at Lexis Noosa for 12 weeks and graduated from advanced level. It’s been an absolute honour having Gik at school and in class. She participates in all activities and is so kind and caring! We will miss your warm presence and smile!

ZoeZoe has also been a part of our family for 8 weeks and we will certainly miss her! She has participated in almost every activity and has made them all so fun with her sense of humor. She’s got a beautiful personality that radiates kindness. Zoe is off to southern NSW to work on a farm with horses. Goodluck Zoe, we know they’ll love you as much as us!

Ewelina (Evie) embarked on a brief but impactful two-week educational stint at Lexis Noosa. However, her quest for language proficiency and personal growth doesn’t conclude there. Evie has made the exciting decision to transfer to Maroochydore, where she will continue her studies, simultaneously indulging her wanderlust by immersing herself in a new, vibrant locale. Evie’s presence at Lexis Noosa was nothing short of delightful for those who had the privilege of knowing her. Her genuine kindness and caring nature radiated, leaving a lasting impression on both her peers and educators.

Natika also had a short 4 week enrolment with us, but throughout her time here she formed amazing friendships and lifelong memories. Natika

Beatrice was a part of our PSGT class for 4 weeks and there’s a good chance that we learned more from her than she did from us. Beatrice’s attitude towards life is so empowering as she sees every day as an opportunity to embrace new experiences, overcome challenges, and make the most out of every moment. Her enthusiasm and fearless spirit are contagious and we will miss having Beatrice at Lexis Noosa.


Furkan, studied at Lexis Noosa for a total of 24 weeks and graduated from Intermediate level. We are so proud of Furkan and all that he has accomplished throughout his time here. On the first day he arrived, Furkan could not speak a single word of English. Now, his English speaking is absolutely amazing and he can now confidentially speak in conversations. He’s been one of the most friendly students that we have had, and is the type of person who would give the shirt off his back if he thought it would help. We’ve loved having Furkan apart of our family here and will definitely miss him.

Graduation day is not just about receiving a certificate; it’s about celebrating the memories created during the educational journey. Lexis Noosa students often form deep bonds with their classmates and teachers, making lifelong friends from around the world. These friendships extend beyond the classroom, enriching the overall experience and creating a network that can span the globe.

Graduation day is a testament of their hard work, dedication, and the nurturing environment provided by the institution. As students move forward into the next chapter of their lives, they carry not only a certificate but also a wealth of experiences, memories, and friendships that will last a lifetime. Lexis Noosa continues to be a place where dreams are nurtured and futures are shaped, and we look forward to celebrating the successes of many more students in the years to come.

Congratulations to all the graduates, and may your journey ahead be filled with continued success and happiness!

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Lexis Noosa delivers academic excellence in Australia’s most desirable study location where you can combine your studies with the great outdoors. Studying at Lexis Noosa is more than an experience, it’s a lifestyle! If you want more information on the courses that we offer, click here.



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