Lexis Brisbane – Last Week’s Amazing Graduates! – 12.07.23

Grad 12.07

Happy Graduation Day!

Another Friday, another day of celebrating our graduates from Lexis Brisbane! Last week, we had 14 brilliant General English students graduate from their classes and we couldn’t be more proud of their hard work and dedication to their studies!

Our 14 graduates last week were, Sussan, Anantaya, Kaho, Pablo, Isabella, Muhammet, Sota, Gaeun, Misato, Sae, Shoji, Yuna, Asami, and Seina.

Congratulations to these amazing students who have accomplished their English goals and set an incredible example! Everyone at Lexis Brisbane wishes you the best of luck with your future endeavours, whatever they may be. Learning English at an accredited language school opens up lots of doors and gives you the opportunity to pursue further studies to advance your career.

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Pursuing higher education in a foreign country is a transformative experience, filled with challenges, growth, and immense possibilities. These incredible English students have all individually embraced this challenge and put their best foot forward. We couldn’t be more proud of their efforts.

Lexis Brisbane serves as an important stepping stone for international English students aspiring to pursue higher education in Australia. Our available VET courses give graduates the opportunity to receive this higher education, opening doors to a wide range of opportunities for their future careers.

Whether it’s business, entrepreneurship, marketing, leadership, project management, beauty therapy, or hospitality, our Lexis Training VET courses are the next best step to seeking higher education after studying English here at Lexis Brisbane.

Congratulations once again, and thankyou for allowing us to be a part of your English journey!

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