Free English Classes

Lttc Tp Free English Class


Welcome to the Lexis TESOL Training Centres – English Level Test.


Free English Classes Schedule:

– Saturdays and Sundays, for 10 weeks, 22 March 2024 to 5 May 2024, from 1pm-3.30pm (Japanese Local Time) or 2pm – 4:30pm (Brisbane Local Time)

Classroom Levels:

– Classroom levels: Upper-intermediate and Pre-intermediate classes

Lesson Delivery:

– Lesson delivery: Online via Zoom:

Pre-intermediate level:

Meeting ID: 703 553 2379

Passcode: 3r63Gr


Upper-intermediate level:

Meeting ID: 240 216 5195

No Passcode needed


  1. Students are welcome at all times during the lesson (late-comers welcome!)
  2. Students can participate in as many classes as they wish – full attendance is not mandatory


*** Please note that you must be adult learner (18 years or older) to join the classes. ***

If you have questions regarding the Free English Classes and the English Level Test, please contact the LTTC team


To enrol and determine your current English Level, please submit the form below.


Full Name(Required)

Part 1 - Choose the best option

Each sentence can be completed using one or more of the alternatives (A, B, C, D). There are between two and four alternatives each time. In some sentences more than one alternative is possible. Choose the most appropriate option and select the corresponding box.
1. The teacher encouraged her students .................... to an English pen-friend.(Required)
2. They spent a lot of time ..................................... at the pictures in the museum.(Required)
3. Becky enjoys science lessons, but all her experiments seem to ........................................ wrong.(Required)
4. ...................................... for Martin, all the group arrived on time.(Required)
5. She ...................................... her neighbour's children for the broken window.(Required)
6. As I had missed my lesson, my friend went ................................... the homework with me.(Required)
7. Whether she's a good actor or not is a ......................................... of opinion.(Required)
8. The roof of the old building was ............................... up by four columns.(Required)
9. Would it ..................................... you if we came on Thursday?(Required)
10. This form ........................................... be handed in until the end of the week.(Required)

Part 2 - Where would you see this notice?

Please read the notices below. Where would you expect to see these?
1. " Please Leave Your Room Key At Reception "(Required)
2. " Foreign Money Changed Here "(Required)
3. " Afternoon Show Starts At 3pm "(Required)
4. " CLOSED FOR HOLIDAYS. Lessons start again January 8th "(Required)
5. " Price per night - $10 per Tent / $5 per Person "(Required)
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