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Please click the following buttons to review critical information before you complete this enrolment form:
FeesMy Enrolment AgreementCourse Timetables & School HolidaysYour First Day at Lexis Sample Timetable
* Not available to Student Visa holders, Please check that your chosen course is available at the school you have selected
I hereby confirm that my payment of the fees as invoiced, in conjunction with my signing of this form, constitutes my acceptance of the terms of my agreement with Lexis Brisbane, Lexis Byron Bay, Lexis Noosa, Lexis Sunshine Coast or Lexis Perth in relation to my enrolment. I have read and agree to be bound by all of the Conditions of Enrolment as detailed here:
NOTE: If you do not read or understand English well, we strongly suggest you have an interpreter/translator explain this form prior to signing.