Lexis Brisbane – Easter Egg Decorating – 5.04.23

Some More Easter Fun!

This afternoon at Lexis Brisbane, our students got to work with some brushes, paint and lots of glitter to create some of the most beautiful Easter eggs we’ve ever seen! Painting Easter eggs is a popular tradition during the Easter season, and adding glitter, smiley faces and bunny ears can certainly make them even more dazzling. The students had a blast creating their own unique eggs and it was a wonderful way for them to express their creativity and celebrate Easter.

Easter Group Photo 1 1

Some students chose to keep things strictly Easter themed while others used their skills to create some beautiful patterns and swirls.

Easter Bunny Egg

Camilo painted one of the best versions of a minion and everyone was in awe of how amazing it looked! From the eye to the hands to the jumpsuit, we couldn’t be more impressed.

Camilo Minion Egg

Three Eggs On A Shelf

Crafty activities here at Lexis Brisbane are one of the best ways for students to make new friends, be creative, practice their conversation skills, and of course, have a laugh. This type of activity is a favourite amongst the students and we will be sure to have many more future opportunities for them to whip out a paintbrush and be creative!

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