Byron Bay- Celebrating our 13 wonderful graduates!- 27 October 2023

Congratulations to our wonderful Graduates!

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Congratulations to our 13 wonderful graduates at Byron Bay! We commend their dedication and hard work, and wish them success in their future endeavors.

Mio graduates from our Elementary class. It has been a joy to have Mio at Lexis Byron. She is a hard-working student and made some great connections with her classmates. She made great contributions top her class and was open to plenty of new experiences. We wish Mio all the very best for her future.


Ayako graduates from our Pre-Intermediate class. Ayako worked very hard, shared her experiences, asked great questions and always gave everything her best try. Her English skills have improved significantly during her time at Lexis. We wish Ayako all the best for her future endeavors.

Saki also graduates from our Pre-Intermediate class. It has been a pleasure having Saki at Lexis Byron. He determination to learn English was apparent and we have no doubt it will continue to improve swiftly in the future. We wish Saki all the best for her future!


Chloe also graduates from our Pre-Intermediate class. Chloe has been an absolute delight. Her laughs, discussions and excellent questions will be missed. She has had a great focus on learning and her English has improved greatly. We wish her all the best for her future!


Minami graduates from our Intermediate class. It has been an absolute pleasure to have Minami at Lexis Byron. Her English has improved a lot along with her confidence in speaking. We wish Minami all the best for her future endeavors.


Somin Graduates from our Upper-Intermediate class. Somin has been a wonderful part of Lexis Byron Bay. She always asks great questions and has made some great progress in her time at Lexis. We wish Somin all the very best for her future.


Yanik also graduates from our Upper-Intermediate class. Yanik has been a stimulating part of Lexis Byron. He always asks excellent questions to clarify his grammar and vocabulary. He has made great progress during his time with us. We wish him all the best for his future.


Ronja also graduates from our Upper-Intermediate class. Ronja has been a pleasure to have around. She has made great progress and development in her English skills. We wish Ronja the best for her future and her travels of the world.


Lea Selina also graduates from our Upper-Intermediate class. It has been a joy having Lea around. She has progressed so much during her 8 weeks at Lexis. Her conversation and listening skills are excellent. We wish Lea the best of luck for her future.


Sarah graduates from our IELTS class. It has been a pleasure getting to know Sarah. She is very hard working and takes great care over the finer details of her work. We wish Sarah the best as she continues her travels down to Melbourne!


Isabella also graduates from our IELTS class. It has been wonderful having Isabella at Lexis Byron Bay. She is now off to continue her travels of Australia. We wish her all the best!


Laura also graduates from our IELTS class. It has been lovely having Laura around, after her studies she is now off to continue her travels of Australia. We wish her all the best!


Lourdes Graduates from our FCE class. Lourdes brings such an inspiring attitude and positive energy to her classes. She has worked really hard on her English skills and they have improved significantly since she started at Lexis. We wish Lourdes all the best for her future!


Not studying with us yet, but would like to?


Lexis Byron delivers academic excellence in arguably Australia’s most desirable study location where you can combine your studies with the great outdoors. Studying at Lexis Byron is more than an experience, it’s a lifestyle! Lexis Byron offers an unrivalled afterschool activity calendar that includes surf lessons, cooking classes, artistic activities, afternoon escapes to surrounding hotspots and full-day weekend adventures. If you want more information on the courses that we offer, click here.


Learn English in Byron Bay. Lexis English students study General EnglishIELTSFCECAE, and English plus Surfing in a friendly and professional school right in the heart of Byron Bay and only 15 minutes from the beach.

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