Byron Bay- Impressive Friendship Bracelets- 1 February 2024

Today at Lexis Byron Bay we made friendship bracelets!

Students engaged in the creation of their own friendship bracelets this afternoon. This activity provides an opportunity for students to showcase their creativity and develop English skills. By crafting these personal tokens of friendship, students will not only strengthen their bonds with their peers but also cultivate a sense of pride in their handmade creations.

Friendship Bracelets! Img 5549 Scaled Img 5550 Scaled

The students had the option to follow a tutorial or go off on their own and make their own designs.

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Most students decided to make their own designs, tailoring them perfectly to suit themselves or their friends.

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Many students loved incorporating cowry shells or statement beads into their bracelets.

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Some also made anklets instead of bracelets!

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Each design was unique, no two exactly the same.

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It is always an excellent activity for students to converse, practice their English and strengthen their friendships!


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Lexis Byron delivers academic excellence in arguably Australia’s most desirable study location where you can combine your studies with the great outdoors. Studying at Lexis Byron is more than an experience, it’s a lifestyle! Lexis Byron offers an unrivalled afterschool activity calendar that includes surf lessons, cooking classes, artistic activities, afternoon escapes to surrounding hotspots and full-day weekend adventures. If you want more information on the courses that we offer, click here.


Learn English in Byron Bay. Lexis English students study General EnglishIELTSFCECAE, and English plus Surfing in a friendly and professional school right in the heart of Byron Bay and only 15 minutes from the beach.

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